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While the United States was engaged in World War II, Elder D.C. Russell began a mission work in Indianapolis, IN with an extended arm from New Bethel Missionary Baptist Church of Goodlettsville, TN. Over a year later, on November 5, 1944, Bethel Church was organized with seven charter members.

At first, the church met in a rented building located at West 10th Street and Olin Avenue, where the mission services had been held. However, in October of 1948, they were able to purchase a building located at the corner of Pleasant and Spruce Streets, in the Fountain Square vicinity, at 1501 E. Pleasant Street.

The first service in that building was held in December of that year.
In the fall of 1961 the church decided to remodel the building, and by the spring of 1962, the exterior had been bricked and the basement enlarged for use as Sunday School rooms. The building featured two beautiful stained glass windows on the north and west sides of the structure. Then, in August of 1966, the church purchased property on
the west side of Spruce Street for use as a parking lot.

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In 1979, the church decided to build a new sanctuary due to the deterioration of the neighborhood. The building was sold and possession given to the new owners on August 8th of that year. Property was purchased at 222 East Epler Avenue, and while the new building was under construction, the church met at Keystone Middle School on Sunday Mornings, and at Southside MBC on Thursday evenings. The new building was completed and the first service held on March 30, 1980.

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A fellowship hall with a half basement was added in the fall of 1992, and on January 30, 1993 it was used for the first time.

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